Mission & Vision


 The United Church of Pittsford is
an inclusive community of hope and love
serving, caring, and learning together
for transformation in our world.


Inclusive Community
 Inclusive means we fully affirm and welcome every person and work to remove any barriers to doing so.
God's unconditional, inclusive love for all the world calls us to be an inclusive community.

Community, together
Community happens as people are joined together in heart and spirit to live and work for the common good.
Community refers to the UCP community and its mission within the wider community.

Hope and Love
Meaning and purpose for life come through hope and love - essential for the life God intends.
The gospel offers hope and love to all people, and our call is to be living examples in every way we can.  

Serving God and people lies at the heart of the gospel. Jesus said: I came not to be served, but to serve and to give my life. Service includes all actions that make life good as we live in love for the earth and all its creatures.  

Grace and compassion form a core of the gospel. All attitudes and actions rooted in these forms of love are part of caring.  Caring for one another within the church community extends to caring for people in the wider community.  

Go into all the world and make disciples, Jesus said. Discipleship and disciple-making are the foundation of the mission of the Church. Disciples are life-long learners. All who follow Jesus continue to learn together and practice their learning in serving and caring.

Healing, freedom, life,  and love are the essence of a new creation in Christ. God empowers us through the Spirit to work for transformation in our world.