Core Beliefs
We believe in God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, Sovereign over time, history
and nations: who made of one blood every nation, and who wills that all people shall live
together in freedom and peace.
We believe in God the son, Jesus Christ, as Lord, as the Redeemer and as the hope of the
world. We believe that He was God Incarnate, that He was fully human and also fully God.
His death on the cross is the means whereby God reconciles us to Himself. His resurrection
from the dead is the sign of God’s power over sin and death and is the promise to the
faithful of eternal life.
We believe in God the Holy Spirit, as the Divine Presence in our lives, transforming our
hopes and fears, and shaping the lives and the destinies of people and nations into
conformity with God’s redemptive purposes for the world.
We believe that as Christians, we are members of the worldwide community of the church
and as such must seek within our own fellowship and in our common life the kind of
community God wills for the world.
and nations: who made of one blood every nation, and who wills that all people shall live
together in freedom and peace.
We believe in God the son, Jesus Christ, as Lord, as the Redeemer and as the hope of the
world. We believe that He was God Incarnate, that He was fully human and also fully God.
His death on the cross is the means whereby God reconciles us to Himself. His resurrection
from the dead is the sign of God’s power over sin and death and is the promise to the
faithful of eternal life.
We believe in God the Holy Spirit, as the Divine Presence in our lives, transforming our
hopes and fears, and shaping the lives and the destinies of people and nations into
conformity with God’s redemptive purposes for the world.
We believe that as Christians, we are members of the worldwide community of the church
and as such must seek within our own fellowship and in our common life the kind of
community God wills for the world.