Blended Worship
Our worship is a combination of styles, both traditional and contemporary.
music - prayers - readings - preaching- visual arts
You can watch recorded services here to get a better idea of how we worship.
What a privilege it is to worship God through music -
from congregational singing to inspirational anthems by our choirs and ensembles to songs of praise
from handbells and instrumentalists.

The United Choir
Singing praise to God in many different ways, the United Choir sings music ranging from traditional to contemporary to Gospel and provides leadership for morning worship twice each month. We invite you to join us on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month for rehearsal at 8:45 a.m. and worship at 10 a.m.
Solos and Ensembles
Do you like to sing? Are you interested in singing a solo or participating in a vocal ensemble sometime during the year? We'd love to have you! There are numerous opportunities to participate in ensembles throughout the year and sing a variety of music.
Do you play a musical instrument? Are you interested in sharing a musical offering in worship or during other events in the life of the church? Would you like to play in an instrumental ensemble, on occasion? We'd love to hear from you! Please contact the office for more information and details on how to get involved.