Our Story

How it all started...

The First Baptist Church of Pittsford (formerly called Northfield) was organized in 1809. For a number of years, members met in homes, barns and schoolhouses. In 1856, a small brick edifice was constructed at 11 State Street, Pittsford, NY. It was razed in 1957.

The Methodist-Episcopal Church was organized in 1830. In 1831, the congregation voted to build a church and it was erected on land near the Lincoln Avenue schoolhouse. The Village of Pittsford didn't grow in that direction, so the building was taken down and erected at the corner of Main and Church Streets. The building still stands and is now used as a commercial building.
In 1949, these two churches joined together to form the United Church of Pittsford and built a new building at 123 South Main Street. 


We are an independently-governed church affiliated with both the United Methodist and American Baptist churches. We blend elements of the two traditions in our worship services, ultimately striving to follow Christ in the manner that we are called.
The members of the congregation choose a pastor in the American Baptist tradition. We sing from the United Methodist Hymnal. We alternate between serving communion at the rail (United Methodist tradition) and serving in the pews (American Baptist tradition). 
We strive to honor the unique needs of our members. All are welcome, regardless of background. Those wishing to become members may join as American Baptist, United Methodist, or simply as members of the United Church. Parents may choose to have their infants baptized in the Methodist tradition, or they may dedicate their infants in the Baptist tradition. When youth become confirmed as full members of the church, they may choose to be baptized by full immersion.


We seek to be a living bridge between the historic traditions of our two denominations, preserving their distinctive contributions and emphasizing together our common loyalty to Jesus Christ. For further guidance concerning our faith, we look to the Apostles' Creed.


We promise to the best of our ability to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the welfare of the Church; to regularly attend its services of worship; to contribute regularly, in keeping with our ability, to the expense of the church, for the relief of the needy, and for the spread of the Gospel.
We also promise to seek the Christian education of our children and our own further enlightenment; to walk uprightly; to be just in our dealings, and faithful in our engagements; to avoid unkind gossip, hatred, and excessive anger.
We further promise to cultivate courtesy and Christian sympathy; to be slow to take offense and eager for reconciliation, to remember each other in prayer, to comfort and aid one another in sickness and distress.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10am